Why are girls so mean / Anonymous -- I showed my enemies -- and hurt my friends, too / Elie Elius -- Username: hater / Kiara Ventura -- The walking flame / Eric Green -- Fortress of solitude / Anonymous -- Feeling different / Isiah Van Brackle -- "Smut page" survivor / Destiny Smith -- Learning to love my hair / Charlene George -- Gay on the block / Jeremiya Spears -- A place to belong / Lavell Pride -- Standing my ground / Xavier Reyes -- The Facebook fight that fractured my face / Catherine Cosmo -- Always the outcast / Christian Pimentel -- Caught between two colors / Shaniqua Sockwell -- The very lonely bully / Avad Ratliff -- "Can I holla atcha?" / Allajah Young -- Bad boy gets a conscience / Anonymous -- Standing up to the cyberbullies / Malik Frank, Breanna King, Angelica Sanchez, and Linda Sankat -- Teens talk about online abuse / YCteen staff -- Vicious cycles / Miguel Ayala -- How adults can help / Miguel Ayaia.